Saturday, September 22, 2007

CaN yOu KeeP a SecRet ?

I'm feeling a bit tired n hungry s well....hehehehe especially when I walked pass da' area crammed with food stalls at lower ground of Jaya Jusco. From there actually, then str8away hit computer lab.

Personally,I've never been happier bout' what I've done this afternoon. Finally, I've finished reading Can You Keep a Secret n it took me nearly 2 n half hours. After 3 visit, voila !!! I made it...hehehe. This is my personal-best-achievement, so far. It may have taken me, like, a year to finish a book/novel like that.

Da' book has given me a new definition of relationships. Regardless of whether it's between husband n wife or best friends, we have to keep SOME or tad of secrets to ourselves. If ur going to marry someone, u don't have to spill ur guts to ur partner. 4 instances, when ur wife asking what were u thinking n u might reply "nothing", but da' truth is u were thinking of getting married again or something like that. Get my point ? Like I said, we can share some of 'em but NOT ALL of 'em.

Back to da' novel. Basically, it's about a junior-marketing-assistant-who-desperately-want-2be-promoted let all her deepest SECRET slip to a stranger sit next to her on a flight-which happens to be her big boss, not just a boss at her department or something but da' FOUNDER of da' company. All da' conflicts and da' romance started from there. Well, that's just an introduction n I strongly n highly recommend this book 4 those who'r into chic lits genre. I tell u, this book has all da' ingredients to make u laugh, sad and trigger ur anger.

Oklah, have 2 get ready for breaking fast n yet still haven't decided which venue I'm going to. Anyway, still can't stop thinking bout' da book. Surely, I'll buy dat book n collect all her (Sophie Kinsella) books.

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