Monday, January 28, 2008

Anugerah Juara Lagu

Siti Nurhaliza n Aishah - Credit to Mr Manager Vernon

It’s been 4 years Ct called it “rest” from participating in AJL. And last nite was her comeback but unfortunately she went home empty-handed.

Anyway, it was a touching moment when I watched her perform d-fast number of Destinasi Cinta with scarf on and sort of hood, which covered her hair.

on stage - credit to forumer

Ct’s fan as well as Ct’s haters has been debating with each other regarding ct’s images after coming back from haj. It’s very sickening; I mean all d-times, looking at these people talking about other’s flaw. Always pointing at here n there as if they’r PERFECT or something….

Anyhow, be it with scarf on or free hair, ct’s performance last nite was superb. I tell u, she still got d-move. Even though her voice a bit shaky at one part, I think she nailed it. It was hard singing while dancing. She did some stiff robotics movement.

D-only thing that annoyed me was, the camera angle. If I were there, I would have kicked those cameramen’s ass. Wonder, why they kept zooming out n shifted from undesired angle to another unnecessary angle, for instance from back view. So stupid, who the hell wanna see CT’s butt n other’s butt??? For God sake, urghhhhhhhhh

Throughout her performances, me n other AJL’s viewers (my frenz) was cursing n call names to these fella who was in-charge of handling the camera.

After performing - credit to Budiey

All n all, I’m happy watching her strutting her stuff especially with her new image.

And, congratulations to Estranged, Jac n Lah ( they had to include Lah for best vocal since it’s a duet song….hmmmm obviously Jac’s outshined him), Nora, Mawi and Sahri. Also to d-winning composer.


Anonymous said...

Love Siti's apperance at AJL. the outfit really simple but gorgeous. Love the hood, brilliant girl- she wants to tutup aurat but didn't wants end up looks like you know- postpopularity performer or typical household Hajjah.
Personally, the outfit makes her legs look a lot longer and slender. However i wish her garment not so earthy, you know, make it brighter a bit(i mean the green color). Love also her performance (far-far away greater than the winner-Mawi!!). However her voice, i don't know, maybe only my hearing or imagination-whatever, lately (i feel), there's lack of intensity, mainly when she try to nail the high note. but you know, still, her voice quality is always maintain 90% above. Better-better-better than Lah VE. he don't deserve it. Estranged also don't deserve the ultimate award. please la. Itu Kamu? what the hell..

Anonymous said...

At last she went home empty-handed from AJL..not a surprised..not her era anymore...oppsss..i did it again...sorry...