Monday, August 4, 2008

Lata Bayu - Water Fall

B4 d-trip---peace!!!!!!

I wake up early 2day despite of tiring journey to Hutan Lipur Lata Bayu yesterday with bunch of educated bitches....

Lata Bayu

It's d-same route to Ulu-Legong Kolam Air Panas only that we had to make a left turn when we reached at d-T-junction at d forgot-d-name area. We'r not really sure d-way to Lata Bayu, so we juz follow our instinct. By 11 stg, we arrived at d-water fall called Lata Bayu.

Got this reminder-sign 4 those who'r planning to do immoral things. That's really2x GOOD.

As we picking up our stuff, I noticed that not many people were around. And suddenly it hit me, I was in Kedah, and in Kedah, they work n go to school on Sunday. No wonder.

There's no single photo of us when we'r swimming n playing around cos I didn't want to risk my camera phone get wet or drop in d-water. Initially we wanna use Eja's Canon camera but he forgot to bring along.

Anyway, I did snap d-waterfall scenery b4 we immerse ourselves in d-water. Nay....just playing around like a silly kid. Hehehehe

After like 3 hours bitching around at Lata Bayu, we pack our stuff n off we drove back. On d-way back, we stopped by at d-restaurant by d-street n had a hot teh tarik n ais-kacang. I tell u, d-ais-kacang was delicious n it's different. I never had this kinda version of ais-kacang. It's 4km away from Lata Bayu. I shd hv taken d-pic of that restaurant.

Tot we want to head straight home, n plan changed. We continue our drive to Sunway Carnival ShoppingMall. It's a new mall at Seberang Prai, I dun knw d-exact place actually....hehehe

As we walk thru d-main entrance, they got an audition for 2nd season My LG Star. well, some of them sounded good n some was juz so-so n they looked like a singer-wannabe...huhuhu

Btw, it's our 1st time in Sunway Carnival. Well, Prangin Mall n Qb is much bigger than Sunway, I believe. So, as we wandering around like a zombie looking for a meat, we, by we I mean, Islah, Tani n myself decided to reward ourselves with new briefs. Hahahaha, so funny when all of us make noise at d-brief section while choosing which one is suit to our shape n SIZE...huhuhu

displaying our own briefs, I just got one n 3 pairs of socks

Meanwhile Eja bought 2 pairs of sandals n Amzar seemed like not in d-mood. Hehehehe....anyway, before we headed home, we had a New Zealand ice-cream. Mmmm, I tried most of d-flava b4 me n Islah decided which one we want.

Juz some of d-flava

and we end up having these flavazzzz

All in all, it's a great journey to the North...

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