Monday, November 12, 2007

Innocent lookS ???

"My 1st impression was, u look innocent n sorta budak baik kinda guy"........

I've had received comments more or less like d-example above on what people might think or should I say, how people perceive me, especially at 1st meeting. Actually, this kinda feedback somehow make me feel a tad uncomfortable. This is mainly bcos, I dun like d-typical of a-good-guy-image-which-never-make-any-mistakes expectation. Getting sick of it and I wish I had somekinda card-box hanging around my neck that reads "I'm not a VIRGIN but I don't look like a Pamela Anderson's siblings"...hehehehe

Anyway, it just that when some of my casual acquaintance get this so-called electrical-shocked expression when they found out something that I've done like...u know, something BITCHY. That's why there'r saying that "Looks can be deceiving"

Having said that, how would u guys rate my so-called innocent looks on a scale from 1 to 10 based on above pic. Huhuhuhuhuhu

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