Sunday, March 23, 2008

Universiti Sains Malaysia's (USM) Citrawarna Nite

Cahaya Gemilang's team

Dun get confused. This one is not d-Citrawarna that is held every year in Malaysia. It was one of d-USM's annual cultural activities. I'd say, it's like a resemblance to a major events of Malaysia's Citrawarna.

For d-1st time, in it's eight-year history, USM's Citrawarna was held for 2 days. Previously, it's only a one day event. Every year got different theme or concept, for instance, this year's Citrawarna, each DESASISWA (hostel) was assigned a various types of dance that can be found in d-assigned state of Malaysia.

Audiences' seat

So, I was there witnessing d-entire events for two days.On 1st day, 7 teams or desasiswa were scheduled to strut their stuff at d-turf hockey stadium.

The show was kicked off with a splendid performance by d-Desasiswa Cahaya Gemilang. They was assigned to bring out the traditional dance from Johor state. They did a 'kuda kepang' routine for d-1st 2 minutes of d-performance. Before that, they formed a huge human shaped ship as an opening.

How's their performance?.....Personally, in terms of technical difficulty, their's was d-hardest one. I tell u, if u look at d-detailed steps, u can c how complicated n hard it was, In fact, their movement was so fast n energetic. Well, I'm not bias. However, due to some of d-inexperienced dancers or should I say, lack of practise (I'm not pointing finger), their movement all over d-place. Apart from that, they also didn't have any props to make d-performance as colourful as it should be. All n all, most of d-audiences that nite enjoyed watching their energetic performance.

2nd day with Gray (Bakti Permai's dancer/ x-roomate)

After Cahaya Gemilang's performance, it's followed by Desasiswa Tekun, Saujana, Indah Kembara, Aman Damai, Bakti Permai and Jaya (not in order). That nite, I was really impress with Bakti Permai's formation. Seemed like they must have mastered d-placement of each motion n no wonder they hit those motions perfectly. In fact, they had a perfect timing with their teammates. Timing's crucial cos it's one of effective ways of getting your team's motions sharper.

On 2nd day, 5 Desasiswa (consist of Desasiwa Murni Nurani, Lembaran, Fajar Harapan, Restu n Petas) performed n this time, Sultan of Perlis n his wife were there to watch d-2nd part of Citrawarna. I'd say, d-2nd part was pretty boring. Then, after 2 n 1/2 hours, d-emcee announced the result. Below is d-winners list:

Best costume :
Bakti Permai (like d-white n lite green costume worn by d-female dancer)

Best choreographer:
Jaya (not sure y d-judges pick 'em)

2nd runner up:
Aman Damai (kinda shocked, cos to me other Desa did much better)

1st runner up
Jaya (kinda like d-contrast of d-color, bright blue n bright yellow)

Bakti Permai ( They deserve to grab d-ultimate prize that nite. Plus, they never missed a place in TOP 3 since d-1st Citrawarna. That's a record to beat)

Cahaya Gemilang ?....back home with empty handed. But hey, u guys did d-best what. Still have another Citrawarna rite? Make sure, next year put as much effort as possible to put back Cahaya Gemilang on the map of top 3. Huhuhu...I'm sure u guys can do it.

To Bakti Permai's residence, Congratssssss. Well, FYI, I'm used to be a residence of Bakti Permai for 4 years ( previously known as Fajar Bakti b4 d-merge)

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