
whose pic ru looking at 1st?.....Tyra rite?...hmmmmm
Personally, I dun think she even deserve to be in d-final 2. That was a HUGE mistake done by Tyra n her fella team. What were they thinking?....Juz bcos she had attended Tyra's T-Zone camp doesn't mean that she has d-xtra credit to be crown as d-winner. C'mon, that's SO SO SO SO wrong.
To me, she looks very plain, n there's no fire or X-factor. Jenah, Heather n Chantal look much more edgy, haute couture n so high fashion. Let's take a look some of these potential-winner-but-had-been-kicked-out pictures:
I just dun like d-winner.....nothing much to complain about, coz it's a ANTM's WORST WINNER EVER. Full stop.
Anyway, I just happened come across with covergirl eyewear ad campaign which featured Caridee n Dani which both r d-winner from cycle 7 n 6.
1 comment:
ayo! itu ker winner antm cycle9? .. sekali pandang mcm khiriah je(pelakon yg suka melatah tu).mesti si khiriah tu seronok kan sbb aku ckp di ala2 pemenang aku xtgk lagi ANTM cycle9, konsep x up to date. jd xleh komen lebih2. Sah2 la Tyra lg cantik kan. (konsep tyra xkan la nak amik winner yg meledak dr dia)=fitnah @ kata hati naomi campbell. baru2 ni aku tgk ANTM yg Daniella mng tu. Yg ni sah2 xlayak/ mmg pelik?. Dalam byk2 kulit hitam, dia paling xtop (bagi aku la. baik nnenna lg). 1st runner-up pun xvogue sgt.. Ok,my fave Brooke.Jade,Nenna,Kari pun ok la.. nak tau kak Yun suka siapa? Jade. (sekarang nie dia gelar diri dia Queen Jade) sesuai kan..(rambutnye).
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