Me n couple of bitches gathered at Eureka USM b4 we heading to Sungai Petani. It's about half n hours drive from Penang Island to Pitt's house. We were invited rather by word of mouth than a formal wedding-card. Nay...Pitt just gave a 1 card which inside d-card he invited all of us. By all of us, I mean, Pitt's scandalous bitches, friends n foes....hahaha.
A week before, the formal contract of marriage or in Malay we call it akad nikah n d-wedding reception from d-bride's side was held inKajang (I guess). And normally, d-wedding reception from d-groom's side will be held a day after or a week after (it depends on d-both parties/family).
Anyway, we arrived around 9.20pm stg. As I stepped out of d- car, it had clearly been raining earlier that day judging by d-puddles on the tar-road. Luckily it didn't pouring till the nite or otherwise me n others wud get wet. U guys must be wondering why d-wedding reception held on night.
Well, according to Booi which he quotes from Pitt, the reason is because he wanted a cosy an elegant wedding reception. Well, I bet it was cosy but d-only fly in d-ointment was, d-time frame was quite short u know. But hey, if d-wedding had held during d-day, it would have been a VERY VERY VERY wet wedding reception as it had been raining earlier. See...everything happens for a reason u know...huhuhu. W ho cares bout d-time frame..screwed that. Oh yah, besides, I noticed it was a full-moon. Hmmm...wut's that mean eh?...nay...dun get so into supernatural stuff okay.
all d-concept n d-detailed deco was originally from d-groom himself
Ok, got sidetracked, as we approahing d-venue, we saw a 4 or 5 canopy tents in front of d-host house equipped with d-fan, decorated with d-not-so-fresh-flower-bought-in-KL as well as an ice-kacang machine or ice shaver on a table. Hahaha, that's d-1st thing I saw. Unfortunately d-ice-kacang was not available...finished edi n obviously it was a hot-menu on d-list. Anyway, we went straight inside n saw guests n some familiar faces swarming d-wedding stage (wedding pelamin) n taking photos with d-newly wed couple.
back-Yasir, front row-me, Islah n Tani
It's too crowded 4 me n I was a bit suffocated so we decided to go outside n help ourselves with d-food 1st. The foods were laid on d-table (buffet style), there were like 3 or 4 stations in which one 4 d-main course, d-other one was 4 d-dessert as well as for d-drinks. Each station was located separately. 1st, I filled my plate with a decent amount of rice, a chicken drumstick cooked in spicy sauce and a shredded beef which I forgot wut kinda style it's cooked n d-sauce it was in.
Well, I'd say d-food was really nice n I continued stuffing myself with d-dessert. I went to d-dessert station where I filled my plate with d-2 sticks of mixed fruits which contains of sliced bananas and just a couple of grapes. And I took 2 sliced of fruits cake (d-cakes was sponsored by Islah). Then I poured some melted chocs...yummylicioussss....I tell u, I never knw that a combination of banana n choc was so heavenly. Personally, it's three times better then Choc Strawberry. Throw all d-strawberries...hehehe.
After throwing down all d-stuff into my stomach, I washed down with Teh Tarik. Very nice... not 2 sweet n not 2 bitter or stewed. Like I said, just nice....Then me, Islah n Tany went inside. We were, actually kinda sweating u know as guests were coming in and out. And Islah led us to one of d-room which has an airconditioning unit installed. juz happened that d-room was actually d-couple's room...hahahaha. Guess wut we did inside d-room?....Nay...we didn't mess up d-room, just took some photos n pose on d-bed...hehehehe
Hehehe.....I did it b4 d-couple "do d-thing" on d-bed...
Then, Islah led us again to another room which was a changing room. D-room also got aircond installed. Hehehe, there were some outfits as well as accesories worn by d-newly-wed couple earlier lying on d-bed. I grabbed d-keris n happily asked Tany to snap pic of me with d-keris. hehehe....After cooling down a bit, went outside n mingled with some of d-guest which I familiar with. Later, bunch of bitches (bicthes that I came with) from outside joined in for photo-taking session.
D-RM300 Pink-ish icing cake
group picAfter d-photo-taking session, they went back whilst me, Tany n Islah stayed back. Actually d-newly-wed couple was about to cut d-icing cake, but they can't wait for that. The cake was so PINK n it looked pinkish-clay on d-outside. For a moment I tot it was a faked cake as earlier I gently press d-cake n it's pretty hard. Then only I know it's an wonder. But, hate to say this, d-cake was merely like a hmm....well, not gonna say it but according to Pitt d-cake cost him RM300 stg u God...not worth it. He cud hv stg nicer or even cheaper than that, for instance, cake from Secret Recipe. Sure he can get much9x better than that, I suppose. I just had a crumb of d-cake.
nicely wrapped by me..ok
D-couple were excitedly unwrapping d-giftsThen it's a unwrapping-present session. D-couple started off with d-huge ones n unwrap one gift after gift. Then, it's my gift's turn...jeng..jeng..jeng...relatives who'r gathered around d-couple expecting patiently n d-moment d-couple tak out d-"thing" out of d-box everyone was screaming surprisingly..hehehe...wanna know wut's inside?...
A Pestle or Lesung Batu
D-idea came up during my sis's wedding whn one of my uncle gave a pestle as a wedding present n I tot it was really cool. Very uncommon n classic u know...hehehe...And Booi said to me that he wud adopt MY idea..MY idea..hehehe...go ahead Booi, I dun charge u. Huhuhu
wrapped with Pitt's shawlnot-so-Cleopatra pose from Booi
Bangla-look alike...huhuhu
Islah looking tired as he had a very special physical training earlier that day
It was approximately 1 am, n we decided to stay a nite over at a house which Pitt had rent only for relatives n friends. Off we went to d-place. It took us less than 3 minutes to reach d-place (by car) n Ja'a tried to unlock d-padlelock but too bad it cudn't open. Then, like a Cicakman or in English it's called Lizardman ( a Malay version of superhero), Islah n Ja'a as well as Tany climbed over d-gate.
While Pitt called d-owner to solve d-problem, I also followed these fella's burglar-like action. Hehehe...But I did graciously in a AEON-FLUX kinda way though. Hahahaha...As I stepping inside d-house, I heard d-gate was sliding open. Actually Ja'a didn't know d-art of unlocking d-padlock...duhh...u shud remove ur dick...hahahaha be a MAN ok...hahahaha..kidding Ja'a...Actually Tany, Islah and Pitt also didn't hv any idea how to unlock that stuff. Duhhhh....After d-owner told Pitt d-right way then only we can open d-gate...wut d-foookkkkk.
Anyway, I straight away headed upstairs n checked out d-rooms. I was like d-contestants from ANTM hastily book d-room. Hehehe....I took d-master bedroom n it's freaking big u know. And d-other 2 rooms were taken by Ja'a n Booi (share a room with 2 single bedrooms) while Islah n Tany sleep on a queen size bedrooms. Well, d-house was HUGE...very HUGE. We spend most of our time by chating n stuff at d-upstairs. Then, one of us suggested to bite stg at d-outside so off we drove to Pelita. I had chappati n hot milo. The time was nearly 3 am, kinda forgot, then we headed back to d-house.
Islah checking out my not-so-small wardrobe
They'r wanted to take over my room-hmm...I wudn't let it happenbut I let 'em to land on my mattress
The next morning, I was d-last person taking shower n I had to put on d-same outfit as I didn't plan to stay back, hence didn't bring any decent outfit. Then, we stopped by at Pitt's n had fried rice...finger-licking good. After that me, Islah n Tany drove back to Penang Island but Islah had to meet his buddy (attended d-same University). So, there we were, arrived at Islah's buddy's house. We greeted each other as we introduced ourselves. Riz n Fahmi, yeah, that's their names n both of them literally produces notes or money for a living, nay...they'r working in banking sector. We went out for a drink as most of us were full edi n Riz drove his Honda City to d-small town.
At approximately 2.30 pm, we bid farewell to Riz n Fahmi n off we headed back to our own nest in Penang Island....end of story.